Family and Community

Family and Community

Alice Model Nursery recognises and values the impact that family and the community have on children’s learning and development.  
We work closely with our children’s parent/careers, and provide opportunities for our families and community to share in the children’s development in the nursery through our ‘Family Learning Week’, Toddler Group’, ‘Toy Library’, celebration events, and shared experiences with our senior citizens.


At Alice Model we embrace our cultural diversities and take every opportunity to share in and celebrate one another’s festivals.
What better way of getting to know about the special things that are important to us than in the relaxed atmosphere of a shared celebration.

Toddler Group

Starting from March every Wednesday afternoon we have a toddler group from 1:15 – 2:45 pm for young toddlers and children who will be starting the nursery in September.
Children from the community also attend our toddler group. 
Toddler group provides opportunities for children to explore learning through play as we setup a wide variety of different activities every week e.g., water play, messy play, painting, playdough, cooking and lots more, so come and join us to find out more.

Senior Citizens

We at Alice Model consider ourselves as part of the local community, and have a good relationship with the residence of ‘Peter Shore Care Home’ and ‘Jewish Care’.  They are our direct neighbours and have had a links with the nursery for many years.

The resident elders of Peter Shore and the daily users of Jewish Care have had several visits to our nursery, and we often visit them and have shared in celebrations together. The warmth we feel towards our elder friends is returned in abundance as they always comment on how much they love to see the children. The feeling is mutual.  

Toy Library

Every Tuesday morning we have a toy library session from 9:30 to 10:30. 
We provide a variety of toys, books for children and adults, story sacks, puzzles and games to cater for children within the community and our nursery.
Children enjoy activities with their parents and carers like reading and playing with different toys. Parents and carers can help their child enjoy new learning experiences. They can also help their child choose a toy to take home to keep for a week. 
The session is a meeting point for new parents and carers within the community to get to know one another and enjoy learning through play with their child.

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